Progressive Breakfast: The Democratic Convention: The Big Dawg Still Can Howl


There were no particularly memorable lines, but a compelling story ... The speech went too long, the story was airbrushed ... but anyone who loves politics had to enjoy an artist still at the top of his craft ... The speech focused on the personal and largely omitted the political ... It wasn’t substance but temperament that he touted: “This woman always wants to move the ball forward. That is just who she is.” The country and the party have been transformed since Clinton was president ... Not surprisingly, Hillary Clinton did not lead these transformations ... [But] Bill Clinton masterfully painted a human portrait of Hillary.

Bill SellS Hill

Bill Clinton tells the story of Hillary the “changemaker.” W. Post’s E. J. Dionne: “It was a phrase he used over and over, sending a message to Bernie Sanders’s supporters that she was, at heart, one of them; and to voters tempted by Donald Trump, that the woman with decades of political experience was the candidate more likely to produces the changes they would welcome.”
Bill Clinton aims to erase the caricature of Hillary. TNR’s Brian Beutler: “Clinton painted over all the blemishes—on their relationship, on her judgment over the years, of the cynicism she’s developed. But the portrait that emerged, however belatedly, was much closer to the mark than the caricature that Republicans drew last week.”

How Big Was THe Bernie WalkOUt?

Some Sanders delegates leave hall after Clinton nominated. Mother Jones: “But the protesting delegates comprised a small fraction of the Sanders supporters in the arena, and they diverged both on the reasons for the walkout and how long it might last …”
More “Sarah Silverman Democrats” stay. Politico: “They aren’t providing dramatic TV footage … but they’re heeding their first-choice candidate’s advice to back the Democrat who agrees with them on most policy issues and isn’t Donald Trump … even if most Sanders voters pull the lever for Clinton, it will matter a lot whether ‘most’ means 80 percent or 90 percent…”
Bernie launches Our Revolution. W. Post: “He has officially launched Our Revolution, a 501(c)(4) ‘social welfare’ group to build support for liberal policies. It’s the first of a possible trio of Sanders projects. Another will seek to elect like-minded candidates up and down the ballot across the country, and a third possible group might engage in other political activity.”


VA Gov. Terry McAuliffe says Clinton will “fix” TPP, campaign disavows. Politico: “Pressed on whether Clinton would turn around and support the trade deal she opposed … McAuliffe said: ‘Yes. Listen, she was in support of it. There were specific things in it she wants fixed.’ Later, McAuliffe’s spokesman sought to clarify the governor’s remarks … saying he was simply expressing what he wants Clinton to do … [Campaign Chairman John] Podesta tweeted. ‘Hillary opposes TPP BEFORE and AFTER the election. Period. Full stop.'”
Clinton would renegotiate NAFTA. The Hill: “The leader of the United Auto Workers says he has heard directly from Hillary Clinton that she wants to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement … [That] would put Clinton in line with her general election opponent…”


Mothers of the Movement assure Clinton believes “Black Lives Matter.” LAT quotes Lucia McBath: “Hillary Clinton isn’t afraid to say black lives matter. She isn’t afraid to sit at a table with grieving mothers and bear the full force of our anguish. She doesn’t build walls around her heart. Not only did she listen to our problems, she invited us to become part of the solution.”’s Terrance Heath contrasts with GOP convention: “There was little sympathy for black victims of police violence at the Republican convention last week. The overwhelmingly white audience heard a line-up of speakers that repeatedly mocked or ignored African-Americans’ frustration with police violence. There were few references to the growing list of black victims of police brutality.”


Voters in Democratic coalition still struggling economically. Bloomberg: “The young people and minorities who propelled President Barack Obama into office have lagged behind the economic recovery he’s shepherded, with blacks and Hispanics continuing to lose wealth even as whites gained after the recession.”
FL Senate candidate Alan Grayson loses progressive backing after domestic abuse allegations. The Hill: “…Revolution Messaging, which played a significant role in Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ successful online fundraising, reached out to Grayson’s campaign Tuesday to say it would be terminating its relationship … The accusations have prompted other significant progressive groups, Democracy for America and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, to withdraw endorsements of Grayson.”
Enviro groups turn on biofuels. Bloomberg: “More than a decade after conservationists helped persuade Congress to require adding corn-based ethanol and other biofuels to gasoline, some groups regret the resulting agricultural runoff in waterways and conversion of prairies to cropland — improving the odds that lawmakers might seek changes to the program next year.”

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